Thursday, March 27, 2008


Hey hey hey,

I'm going to shoot you straight, this is not exactly a cultural post. But the recent college graduations have made me realize something..着物(kimono) and はかま(hakama) are probably the classiest and sexiest things that anyone can wear. No joke.

Probably one of my favorite things about Kyoto is that more women wear Kimono there. Occasionally you see women wearing them out, but Kyoto never fails me. You don't need an excuse to wear them ladies!!

There is just something about it, I don't really know what it is. Just check the pictures out and tell me what you think. Its as if anyone can wear kimono and immediately become gorgeous.

Seriously though, the nature of the kimono is traditional, formal, and sophisticated. It is worn at weddings, graduations, and other very special occasions. Plus, the tight obi and wood shoes make the women look so dainty and helpless...its adorable.

I think what I'm trying to say is that I strongly suggest buying 着物 and はかま. If not for yourself, than for somebody!! Spread the word!

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