Saturday, March 1, 2008

One Word....for now

Hey everyone,

Time for some more words of wisdom. I know I have been posting quite a bit recently, but I NEED to write this stuff down before I get too used to it. There is so much greatness going on here, I couldn’t possibly describe it all in 100 years. Hopefully I can at least provide a description to every item on the “Running list of things Japan does better.”

Let’s see...I could easily write about the Japanese construction workers and their EXTREME efficiency (Like repaving entire roads in about 12 hours), but that just wouldn’t fit the theme of this blog. Okay, here is the deal, I will post about normal stuff this time, but next time I will cover more pressing matters, like the porn/sex availability/advertising in Japan.

Let’s just discuss convenience shall we. Here is a small list of super convenient things that America needs to adopt:

Buttons at restaurants to call the waiter, hooks next to urinals to hang your bags, receptacles for cigarettes outside almost every building, beer in vending machines, upon buying jeans they will tailor them for you free of charge, you can pay for things and receive important info with your cell phone, you can essentially get anywhere without a car, etc.

These are such simple things (okay, maybe public transportation isn’t simple) that just make enormous sense. If Japan finds something to be convenient, they implement it. Life here just makes sense. I got a little sick in America when I went back there in between semesters. Japan has found a way to make half the population of the U.S. able to live in harmony and convenience in a country the size of California.

If you take one word from this post, it’s ‘Convenience’.

Now that I’ve bored you, be ready for some questionable content next time.

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