Monday, March 31, 2008



Jon Evans here bringing you Japan news. Today's story, smoking. For lack of a better term, Japan is a smoking country. I have never seen so many people smoking cigarettes in my life - but its okay - they are Japanese, so they will still live forever. Actually, this is no joke.
Check this out

Anyway, if you walk around Osaka, you see cigarette vending machines on every corner (and its only about $3 a pack). Everywhere you look people are smoking. Many restaurants actually have more smoking seats than non-smoking seats. But this is not a bad thing by any means. Here is why...

The Japanese must be immune to lung cancer, because they live forever in spite of the fact that many people smoke from age 15. The Japanese also have plenty of receptacles for cigarette butts and a great cleaning work force, so you rarely see cigarette butts in the streets.

In Japan, you can pretty much smoke anywhere. Restaurants, hotel rooms, train station, etc. You can't smoke on the trains of course, but pretty much anywhere else. I've grown accustomed to the tobacco smoke, but the smell it leaves on my clothes after karaoke does get a little annoying.

What I'm trying to say is that Japan smokes a lot, but they will still outlive any other nationality .
Japan just knows how to do everything better I suppose.

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