I know you were all worried because I have been posting about normal things lately, but I'm here to tell you that I'm still the same Jon. At the risk of letting this 'secret' out, I feel I should say something about Japanese women. In my professional opinion, they are the greatest women ever to grace the earth. And here is why...
As mentioned earlier, Japanese women (not to generalize, but I have found this to be true in most cases) care about how they look. They take the time to look good, and it definitely shows. This is true from 12 - 50 years.
This brings me to my point on 'investments' - The women I have seen in this country look absolutely amazing, well into their 40's / early 50's. Just so we're clear, I would drop whatever I'm doing and marry about half the 40 year old women in Japan. Yeah..that good.
And don't even get me started on pregnant women. These women, god bless 'em, keep a great figure throughout the pregnancy. To the point where you wouldn't even know they were pregnant unless you asked. And once the baby is born - BAM, 2 weeks later they are more beautiful than ever.
So I think you can catch my drift. A gorgeous Japanese wife when you're 20 can also mean a gorgeous wife when you're 50. Sweet deal, huh?
It has to be the lifestyle/diet. Living a healthy lifestyle would most certainly contribute to the increased 'hotness lifetime'. Great diet, exercise every day, are you all taking notes??? Japanese women do not hit their peak until late 20's. And even when they are in their late 20's, they look like they are in their late teens. I honestly can't judge age here at all. I'm afraid I can't fully express the severity of beauty in words, I just have to ask you to trust me.
So far, I think the score is Japan 46, America .5
You see the picture?? That is what I see 20+ times a day living in Kansai...
um...no offense to you non-Japanese women
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