Wednesday, March 26, 2008


While I was having one of the greatest meals I've ever had, I began to think a lot about food. Japan has some truly amazing (and healthy) food. I could spend the next 20 posts talking about food, so instead I'm going to talk about restaurants in Japan.

One of the first things you will probably notice if you are in ANY city in Japan, is the 17,000 restaurants within a 2km area. Food is everywhere! This is probably why I haven't cooked a single thing in the past 2 months.

But anyways, Japan has quite a different approach to restaurants than America. America has far fewer restaurants, and the food is essentially all the same (and kinda gross). i.e. - the standard chicken tenders, hamburger, french fries, etc. are served in almost all restaurants. Many places in America also try to specialize in too many things, and the food quality suffers.

Japan, however, puts the variety in the restaurants, not in the food at the restaurants. For example, today I walked around for about 20 minutes deciding on a place to eat, but once I did, I sat down and had a choice of about 5 things. Moral of the story, the food was incredible.

In Osaka alone, you could visit 3 new restaurants a day and never get to all of them in a year. Just to give you an idea.

Peace Kids,

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