Friday, March 28, 2008


Something got me thinking about ヤクザ(Yakuza) the other day, and I recalled a fantastic experience I had only a few weeks ago. Some of my acquaintances seem to have a very interesting opinion about the Yakuza. If their opinion is based on actual experiences, then okay, that is understandable. But if their opinion is based on stereotypes and other stuff they've heard, well I have some news for them. I have had the opportunity - No - the privilege of meeting some Yakuza members. And let me just say, they are some pretty chill guys.

Maybe I'm just lucky, but the Yakuza I have met seem pretty cool. Two friends and I were able to just hang out in a bar with them and shoot the breeze. But when my friend asked one what he does for a living, he simply replied "domesutiku baiorensu." - Awesome

The Yakuza presence in Japan is powerful, yet not so out in the open. You usually don't see the Yakuza members themselves, but their Host clubs, five hundred thousand dollars cars, and illegal pornography are seen every day (in Osaka anyways). I am actually learning (in my Justice class) how the various Yakuza groups and leaders are actually registered with the police. Go figure.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that I think the Yakuza get a bad reputation just because they deal drugs, pornography, pay off the police, and occasionally engage in domestic violence....its just business. But did you also know that the Yakuza reacted faster than the government did in helping citizens after the recent Kobe earthquake. They are first class citizens in my book.


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