Friday, March 28, 2008

日本 Kids

If anyone has been to a Japanese train station after 10pm, then they have probably seen a hundred kids (a little exaggerated - its only about 30) hanging around the station doing what kids, not drugs, or drinking, or causing trouble. The kids I see every night are doing far more constructive things. Things like dancing, singing, playing guitar, etc. And with the exception of the singers, the kids are usually pretty talented.

This just seemed weird me when I first came to Japan. Usually (and I mean in America) if kids are hanging around at night around a mall after the stores are closed, they probably aren't up to anything positive. Even if they are up to something positive, someone will probably just come around and rob them anyways...okay, thats a bit cynical, but not entirely inaccurate.

And from what I've seen, many of these Japanese kids practice every single day. I have seen the same kid practicing BMX every day I have been at the Hirakata station since I have been in Japan. And wow, this kid is good (I'm talking riding on just one wheel without using hands good).

Its just really refreshing to see so many kids doing so many constructive activities. Its also nice because Japan never sleeps. When all the stores and restaurants close, there is still fun to be had.

Just a note: the break dancing kids are always happy to teach gaijin some dance moves.

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