Saturday, May 24, 2008

Summer Time

Well, its almost summer time here in Japan. You know how I can tell?? Its not because the always wearing shorts too big for barbie dolls and skirts that make my neckties look like a waste of fabric. You can tell its almost summer because there are new flowers in bloom and sweaty foreigners (yeah, just foreigners. Japanese don't sweat, they are far too evolved for that).

Anyways, with the changing of seasons comes new nature. It seems like the Japanese love nature and they find space to show it off even in huge concrete cities like Osaka. I recently went to two separate rose parks in Kobe and Osaka. One minute I'm walking around a bustling city with trains, people, and stores as far as I can see. The next minute I'm in an open area looking at flowers.

There are quite a few of these kinds of parks throughout many of the major cities. Enjoy the pictures, thats all I have to say.

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