Monday, May 19, 2008

I REALLY Love This Country

Okay, so I was walking in a mall in Kobe last weekend and I came across something so amazing that I almost cried.

The mall I was walking around was about 4+ stories tall and had shopping carts that you could take to all parts of the mall - so you don't have to carry your bags. Thats pretty convenient, but whats more convenient is the amazing treadmill looking escalator that you use to get you and your cart from floor to floor! Take a good look at the posted picture. Yes, its a long escalator in a mall so you can push your bags or kids around all parts of the mall.

'What if someone lets go of their cart on the escalator? That could be dangerous...well have no fear because the escalator is magnetized, your cart won't move on its own.
Do you still want more examples why this is the greatest country ever?

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