Friday, May 16, 2008

Japanese テレビ

In one word, Japanese T.V. is...Interesting. But I don't mean interesting like I want to watch it, I mean interesting like its not what I'm used to and sometimes uncomfortable to watch. The good thing is, if you can only watch Japanese T.V. for 10 minutes, its okay because you've seen all that the T.V. has to offer. To me, Japanese T.V. seems to be fairly limited, in channels and variety.

Japanese T.V. consists of a few things, one being poorly filmed T.V. dramas similar to soap operas. Another being variety shows with incredibly attractive women, news, and comedy. Here is a sample of a famous bit from last semester. Unfortunately, every comedic bit is played 5 times a day, everyday until it becomes unpopular.

I honestly don't have enough time to watch Japanese T.V. (and neither do many Japanese people) so I don't have a completely well founded opinion yet. I just want to give you an idea.
Here is one more sample and another for good measure

One thing that amazes me though is 'gaijin talents'. Gaijin talents are essentially foreign eye-candy. I will probably have to post on that later.


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