Friday, December 27, 2013

Okinawa Restaurants.

Japan freaking loves to eat.  Why?  I have no idea, but you'll see, especially city side, around 300 restaurants in any given direction.  I'm still trying to figure out how any of these places make money with such a saturated market and food so reasonable priced (~500 yen for a decent lunch).  Well, more than one person has said Okinawa has more restaurants per capita than any other place in Japan, which explains why I'm drowning in food here.

Which would also help explain why I see the Japanese people are a little on the heavier side. Like, 105lbs instead of 95.  Not a huge difference, but definitely a deal breaker.

Fattys aside, the food is pretty good here in Oki.  The yushidofu was pretty tasty the other day.
Its a warm and gooey tofu, and yes I know that doesn't sound all that great but its as smooth as butter (without the guilt of eating, you know, butter).  The big bowl above is the yushidofu in a miso base and the stuff to the left tastes just like thanksgiving stuffing despite being a byproduct of the tofu making process.

The biggest deal in the picture above is the 'to-go' bag.  Getting a doggy bag on the main islands is unheard of, for some unknown reason, but its fair game in Okinawa.  Maybe the island is small enough and everyone drives here so it's easier to take food home...?  Or they don't realize that to-go sushi is not a good idea..?  Whatever the reason, it is awesome to not have to eat everything on my plate.  Now I have room for more important things, like beer and awamori.

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