Monday, December 16, 2013

New Stuff

Wow the past 2 weeks have flown by in Okinawa.  Now that I'm somewhat settled in I can really start trying new things.  This place is surprisingly different from mainland Japan, in both good and bad ways, so it should be pretty easy to find new places to go and things to do and eat.  Mostly eat I guess. It's not really a rule, more of a guidline, but I'd like to try something new every day and see how long I can keep at it...

Day 1:  Today is a twofer. First up, ニンニクの茎 - garlic branches.  As in the stems that garlic grows on. You get used to eating a lot of garbage parts of food in Japan. I spent less than 400 yen on the meal below and I'm pretty sure I got my money's worth. The garlic stems are those green little stalks mixed in with the other vegetables and they kind of tasted like bamboo shoots. Not too bad I guess.
Normally food isn't THAT cheap in Japan, but grocery stores start discounting the "old" lunch Bento around 3ish so I got it for half price.  

The Orion Southern Star on the other hand was a little disappointing. The can says it's a "liqueur" and it was very affordable (~148yen), so I don't think it's real beer. At least, I hope it isn't real beer because it had the bite of happoshu. Not awful, just not as good as all the dancing in the commercials would have me believe. Better stick with REAL Orion.

Oh yeah, that's the stuff

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