Thursday, December 19, 2013


If I could only have one word to describe Yoshinoya it would be 'dudethisplaceissomoney!".  

I really hated typical fast food in America because it was such an unpleasant experience.  There was no denying it was bad for you, the staff were never paid enough to give a crap, and no matter how good it tasted during it just tasted like regret afterwards.

Yoshinoya is the epitome of what fast food should be.  First and foremost because of speed.  You can order and start eating within 90 seconds - not a joke, I timed it. What makes it more amazing is there are never more than 3 people working, and that is for lunch rush.

There are all the free amenities you'd expect from a Japanese restaurant.  Free tea, shichimi, and ginger and the ones in Okinawa have drive-thru!  You eat out of real bowls, drink from real cups and can you say open 24 hours? 
The only thing that would make them better is if they served beer....oh, they totally serve beer! Yoshinoya can be both the cause of and solution to your hangover! (much like alcohol is the cause of and solution to all of life's problems).

Jeez Jon Evans, what would one have to pay for such an awesome experience?  I'm glad you asked. 

390 yen mofos!  

The metal dealie is for straining your egg in case you only wanted to add the white or yolk to your food.  Pretty thoughful.  Don't forget your free tsuyudaku (more secret sauce).

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