Thursday, January 16, 2014

Driving in Okinawa

It kinda sucks that Okinawa doesn't have the fantastic train system that REAL Japan has.  If you want to go from one end of the island to the other, it's best to drive.  I just bought a Honda Fit and holy crap my first few hours behind the wheel have been life shortening.

It doesn't help that everything is backwards and I have to constantly think about not turning on the windshield wipers instead of turn signals.  I still reach for my left shoulder for my seat belt and try to shift with my right hand.  Once you stop having to think so much, the fun really begins because...

Okinawans are terrible drivers.  There are a bunch of rules you learn about when driving, like don't run red lights and to buckle up your kids when driving.  I've learned that these are just guidelines and there is no enforcement here of any kind here.

When a light turns red just run it!  I occasionally hear a honk behind me when the light turns yellow - I'm pretty sure the honk roughly translates to "run this light or me and the next 3 cars behind you are going to run your ass over."  And as for the kids situation, I've come to the conclusion that Okinawa hates their children.  Kids of all ages are just free roaming the front seat, getting a tan on the dash board, hanging head first out the window, or just jumping on their parent's laps.  What the hell is that all about?  Can somebody seriously tell me??

Terrifying experiences aside I can't wait to start riding my motorcycle here so I can REALLY risk my life.

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