Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Women and Sushi

I’ve mentioned before how ‘tradition’ is a viable excuse in Japan, and it has popped up again in a recent outrage. Let me start by saying that I honestly don’t think this problem is nearly as big as
the news is making it. News on Japan has been wrong before. Plus, on slow news days, they like to make up confrontation. (link to Cracked news article). It is quite possible that there is only 1 offended chef in the story I’m about to share.

Basically, there is a new restaurant in Tokyo that has managed to combine 2 of Japan’s greatest services: sushi, and paying people to talk to you. This sushi bar is staffed entirely by women who both make sushi and converse with the customers. Its like a hooters that serves sushi – how is that a problem??

I see no problem here

The problem is that sushi making in Japan is traditionally a man’s job. Its tradition, enough said!
What I like most about this situation is that people actually feel like they can say that in Japan.
Even when I participated in the Taiko Matsuri I was told that women are not allowed to ride on the ‘float’, because they are ‘unclean’. This was the one instance where I saw gaijin come out on top. Take that women of Japan!! Oh wait, this is kinda sad.

If you thought this was going to be a post about Nyotaimori (女体盛り), I appologize, but I will get to that post as soon as I do the 'research'.

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