Saturday, March 19, 2011


This is the kind of stuff I love to hear about Japan. I can rant all I want about how awesome Japan and its residents are, but this goes beyond words.

In the midst of America sensationalizing and over exaggerating a small radiation leak, you can find stories of Japanese people sticking together and following social order. Does everyone remember hurricane Katrina and how COPS in New Orleans were looting everything they could
find??? I sure as hell do. Japan just got rocked by a ridiculously large earthquake and tsunami, and they’re waiting patiently in lines for absolutely essential items. Some have had to ride bikes for miles just to find This disaster has given Japan a chance to show its true
colors, and they are radiant. Besides the chu-hais and wonderfully skinny and sexy women, this is my favorite aspect of Japan. Though it is a source of conflict at times for my more individualistic mind set, the cohesion and morality in Japan is beyond compare.

There is little crime and everyone finds a way to get along though there are more than 10 times as many people per square mile than in the US. You could leave a sack of money in the middle of
Umeda station and pick it up the next day from lost and found. In all seriousness, I know folks who have left suitcases unattended for 10+ hours in the stations to go sightseeing only to find their suitcases exactly where they left them.

This may be surprising to some (Americans), but there are parts of the world where people are not douches. There is a socially acceptable way to behave and treat fellow human beings, and no disaster should change that. Thank you Japan for providing a fantastic example of non-douchery.

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