Friday, March 18, 2011


Okay, I guess I should comment on the nuclear 'crisis' in Japan. I suppose the most obvious comment is 'Seriously, Fukushima has nothing to do with Chernobyl'

The problem is that 'radiation' is a buzz word. Much like 'asbestos' or 'carcinogens', people know these things are 'bad' but have absolutely no idea at what levels or how these bad things even spread. Even Chernobyl's radiation didn't spread more than 30 miles outside the site. This probably explains why Americans have been buying up iodine pills. These pills protect your thyroid against cancer caused by radiation exposure. Yes, Americans are buying pills that only protect one gland from radiation exposure from a scenario that is practically impossible all the way in the US…Am I the only one who is completely confused???.

There is already a growing fear of Japanese food as well
. If there was a reactor leak in Nine Mile Point, New York, would you stop buying Florida Oranges?? If you are in East Asia, yes, yes you
would. There are hotel menus that have started removing sushi from their menus because of radiation fears.

If anyone has this situation on lockdown, its Japan. Seriously, Japan had power up and running in Hiroshima hours after the bomb went off. We're talking about the country that invented the Playstation, Chu-hai and the glasses free 3-D TV!

As you can see, I am getting a tad annoyed by all the fearmongering. But perhaps the biggest annoyance is the fact that when the dust settles and everything is okay, nobody will have learned anything...


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