Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Lets Hear some Japanese

You can read about Japanese all you want, but it is absolutely necessary to hear this fantastically mathematical language. I’ve found a good video that has examples of lot’s of English Katakana and good expressions. This video has the added bonus of showing you how low budget Japanese TV is.

If you are just reading the subtitles, do you see how they use the word ‘challenge’? He is not just trying to cut various objects (and friggin succeeding at it), he is challenging himself to do something awesome.

'Super slow' is the most obvious Katakana in the video but did you also catch that 'Besuto suri-'? That's 'Best Three' if you were wondering. You can also here the surprised 'heeeeeee' after the samurai cuts everything. Use that word, it's a lot of fun.

The whole variety show concept is very reminiscent of elementary school ‘show & tell’, but I think elementary school had a better budget. Someone comes in with a skill or object (usually food) and everyone chatters away while looking at it. This may have seemed like a good idea at first, but this concept gets old, FAST. Most of the time, the guests aren't as cool as this Isao Machii Samurai either. Here, enjoy more of this dude cutting things in half, and then never watch Japanese TV again...

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