Wednesday, February 16, 2011


I’ve bad mouthed Japanese TV quite a bit over the years. Most of it hasn’t been written down though, so here’s my chance to really stick it to these horrible shows. Don’t get me wrong, there are some decent shows (I emphasize ‘some’) and they can be entertaining, but Japan just doesn’t seem to spend the same amount of time or money on making quality TV.

This isn’t necessarily a bad thing during your first few months/years in Japan, because you’re so busy soaking up all the local culture you can, you don’t have time to sit on your butt at home watching TV. The closest I came to watching TV my first few months in Japan was walking through the Yodobashi Camera TV section.

This place has a TV or two...

Have you checked out some of the links so far? Did you notice that EVERYTHING that was said was plastered across the entire screen? I guess this would be fine when you just start learning Japanese, but once you know how to speak, this is ridiculously annoying. It’s like watching TV with the closed caption on….in size 72 font. It becomes more of a distraction than anything else. The only plus is that you can learn some good kanji, but why are you trying to learn a language from the TV in the first place?

Go ahead and check out one of my favorite ladies, 大塚愛. She's pretty cute, but she's just futsuu by Japanese standards. Gotta love this country!

Ever wonder what Tommy Lee Jones would look like as a Host? Of course you haven’t, but here you go anyway. Thanks Japan!

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