Thank you Japan for giving me something I once thought was only for gay Europeans - the Man Bag. Seriously, thanks! I can't believe it has taken me so long to write about this, but I guess I've become so accustomed to it I forgot it was 'different' in America.
Many guys wear 'man bags' in Japan. This probably comes from the need to carry your stuff around all day since nobody drives. They are also quite cool looking, so it makes me wonder if people carry them cause they're cool, or if they are designed to be cool because people need to use them....deep stuff.
Here are a few examples.
These are not to be confused with backpacks. Backpacks are for 10 year old kids and tourists. Unless you plan on doing some hiking in Japan, avoid backpacks. If you plan on getting a man bag, shop around, because they are common enough to have a million different styles, colors, and prices. If the price is too high (like just about everything is in Japan) then take a short trip to Korea. I got a pretty sweet knockoff over there for about 30 bucks.
Are you browsing for man bags yet? Do you need more convincing? If you had a man bag, it would be that much easier to sneak in a bottle of
Suntory in to the Karaoke room. With plenty of room left over for your
Fit's gum!
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