Thursday, November 25, 2010


When it comes to baseball, nobody takes this boring game more seriously than Japan. Okay, arguably America is reigning king of boring games, but Japan is a very close second. The Hanshin Tigers get a pretty decent turnout. At the games, it seems like the fans care more about the cheering than the game itself. Go to the games and check it out!! Many fans are too concerned with leading the cheers to even turn around and watch the game. Its wild.

In case you haven't heard, a new lady star has come to the U.S. - 吉田 えり (Yoshida Eri). Please, reserve your knuckle princess jokes. Its no surprise that Japan has another prodigy coming to America. The amount of practice time that those kids put in to sports is disgusting. By disgusting I mean I feel disgusting after watching them practice, because I have never practiced that hard for anything in my life. Some kids throw their arms out at 18 years old. I guess the point here is that this lady could make baseball watchable, so keep your eye out for Yoshida Eri of the Chico Outlaws and her sick knuckle-ball.

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