Saturday, February 1, 2014


Dude, I love me some curry.  Japanese curry on these cold 60 degree winter nights just hits the spot.  What better place to get it than Curry House Coco Ichibanya...

Well the thing about that is I've grown cheaper in my years and discovered that Coco Curry is expensive when compared to other quick Japanese restaurants like Yoshinoya/Sukiya.  Some good spicy curry at Coco Ichibanya will run you about 800 yen (add another couple hundred yen if you want some nan bread with that).  Well worth it, but I'll let you in on some insider secrets.

Roam the grocery stores, like San-A, at off hours like 3 or 8 pm and you can find all kinds of cheap crap.  The deli section usually has a hodgepodge of Japanese food like curry, sushi, onigiri, donburi, etc.  All that fresh food won't last more than a few hours, so after the lunch/dinner rush stuff get's marked down 10-50%.  Any money saved on food is more money put towards fake beer, and I like that kind of math.

Is Coco Curry better?  Yeah, probably.  Is 800 yen for curry, a tall beer, and some KFC a better deal? You better believe it!

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