Saturday, December 11, 2010

Two Types of Women

Here's a little gem of information for you.

This is a running theory some friends and I have about women in Japan... This theory was not just developed over night, its been time tested so don't disregard it too quickly. There are two types of women (or maybe I should say girls, haven't really tested this on the above 25 crowd) , and they are Kobukuro girls, and Exile girls.

Kobukuro girls, if you haven't already guessed after clicking the link, are the kind of girls you would like to take home to your family. These girls are typically smart, a little shy, respond well to compliments, and can usually see through your B.S. so get your game face on if you're just trying to pick them up. Oh, and they like Kobukuro - hence the name.

Exile girls are on the other end of the spectrum. These are the kind of girls that you wouldn't really want to take home...A love hotel would be more appropriate. They are fun to be around, far from shy, and easy to talk to (though the conversation may be stupid). Karaoke is way more fun with Exile girls.

Can you identify the Kobukuro and Exile girls??
Trick question, they are all exile girls.

To simplify, think of life as a horror movie. Is the girl you're talking to going to survive till the next 3 sequels?? She's probably a Kobukuro girl. Is she going to get drunk, show some skin and then get stabbed 3 minutes into the movie?? Exile girl.

Still not sure which kind of girl you're talking to? Have a buddy bring up that he likes either Exile or Kobukuro. If she agrees, you know what you're dealing with. If she disagrees, just creep on in and say you like the other group and get your keitai ready, cause you're about to get a phone number. Its that easy.

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