Saturday, July 5, 2008

Kyoto, my 一番好きな所。。。

Ever since moving out of osaka and closer to Kyoto, I've come to appreciate how amazing Kyoto is. It has a perfect balance of new meets VERY old. 400+ year old temples are surrounded by 100 dollar a plate restaurants. Beautiful rivers and maiko establishments neighbor hostess and members clubs. The famous kiyomizu temple looks over miles and miles of buildings, lights, and trains. Mizu shobai girls wearing less fabric than most of my ties have can be seen walking with classing older women wearing kimono. Kyoto is a confusing and awesome place.

Lately, since it is summer, there have been a lot more outdoor events and concerts by the river which is pretty cool. But with outdoor events comes japanese guys that can't handle their alcohol, so just watch wear you step at night.
If you can only visit one city in Japan, I recommend Kyoto. The only problem with Kyoto is too many damn foreigners! yeah, I said it. Most of the pictures I post later will likely be in Kyoto, so enjoy!

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