Monday, June 9, 2008

These are a few of my favorite things...

Hey all, 久しぶり, its been a while.

I have been busy moving in to a new place for the summer, and also busy enjoying the greatest place on planet earth. I was trying to make a new list of Japanese innovations and cool aspects of Japanese culture. It is getting much harder for me to make these lists because everything is becoming so futsuu -normal. Everyday I find new conveniences with my cell phone and they are amazing me less and less. For instance, I washed my clothes this morning in a laundry mat with my good friend and he just typed in his phone number into the machine so it called him when the laundry was done. Menus (and even actual cooked dishes coated in plastic) outside of restaurants are extremely common. You ever heard of a things called Wii and Playstation?? Thats Japan baby. One thing that never ceases to amaze me is, of course, the women. But you knew I was going to say that.

Anyways, I found some youtube teasers of some of my favorite things: some Japanese clothing and music. The music is actually a southpark clip, but never mind that.

P.S. I'm famous

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