Tuesday, June 17, 2008

ホストクラブ 2

Hey hey,

I recently got some disturbing, interesting, and fictional news concerning host clubs. A recent CSI episode featured a Japanese style host club in Las Vegas. Hearing this kind of made me skeptical so I did a little research (and so did my roommate) and I am here to report that this was merely a topic for the show and there are no host clubs in Vegas. At least not the kind of host club that exists in Japan. It sounds like the CSI episode was getting most of their information from The Great Happiness Space, which I once again suggest you buy.

I honestly don't think a Japanese host club would even work in America. One main reason girls go to host clubs is for attention and conversation (and of course some go for sex too). These girls are not getting attention, or not getting the right kind of attention, in their daily life. These girls typically work in the sex industry and get bad attention from customers and little attention outside of work because of there job. But, as my friend Rob put it, 'what american girl needs more attention?' And who wouldn't talk to a stripper in America? All a girl needs to do is go to a bar for 3 minutes in America and a conversation will start.
I am a little relieved that America doesn't have Japanese host clubs. American host clubs would all too quickly become a house of heroine and whores. I'll just stick to working in Japanese host clubs!

I'm kidding....for now

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