I just had an epiphany: Japanese fashion is the greatest thing ever....ever. The men and women here are so extremely stylish, its impossible not to notice. I also can't help but notice the fact that its been getting colder and colder in Japan (February is indeed the worst month in Japan) but the women are by no means wearing more clothes. On the snowiest of days you can still see 100lb/45Kg girls in high heels, short skirts, and perfect hair.....god bless 'em.
Many Japanese girls don't even question it. They just say that "Fashion requires patience." This may just be the man in me, but I think everyone (especially American women, hint hint) can learn something from this. Japanese really like to look their best, and it most definitely shows. The high heels in 6cm of snow might be a little too much, but I appreciate the effort. Whats so wrong about looking great every hour of every day???... Nothing
When I first got to Japan, I was immediately attracted to almost every women (and some men) I saw. I thought it was because everyone was so healthy. Being healthy doesn't hurt, but the biggest factor HAS to be that the Japanese (both boys and girls) put how they look ahead of unimportant things like comfort, and functionality.