Monday, February 25, 2008


Hello Again!

Its time for more on Japanese sub-culture. Perhaps I should share a few stories to give you an idea as to why this country is so great. I guess these aren't really stories so much as points...

  1. During my first few weeks in Japan, some friends and I went to a club. We were there from around 10pm to 5am. And from the time we entered, my friend set his camera down on a table right on the dance floor. During the night he proceeded to take pictures and set the camera down on the table when he wasn't using it. And surprise surprise, the camera lasted 7 hours in a busy club, unattended, without being stolen...amazing.
  2. Recently, an inebriated friend of mine left his man purse/bag in a bar in Osaka. He returned the next day and was greeted by warm faces and his bag was returned. Not just returned, but the 20,000+ inside the bag still remained.
  3. I myself have left my 三万円電子辞書 (30000 yen denshi jisho) in various locations in Japan, and I have been surprised time and again to see it returned.

Getting the point?? I'm quite tempted to test this even further by leaving my wallet in the middle of Kiyomizudera, 清水寺, and see how fast it is returned.

The people in this country are so incredibly nice/honest. I'm not speaking for everyone of course, but I've noticed a general kindness in everyone in the Kansai area.

I truly love this country

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