Monday, April 19, 2010

What The Japanese Have That You Don't

Finally, I have a scientific response to the often asked "what do the Japanese have that we (Americans) don't?"
Besides the obvious answer of manners and an understanding of the world outside their own country, the Japanese have a specific gene that Americans do not.

In USA TODAY, I just read that the Japanese have a specific gene for breaking down porphyran, which is found in seaweed. Pretty sweet でしょう? So much for 'we are all the same on the inside'.

One a similar note, I freakin love 海苔 (nori/seaweed). There are all different types of seaweed and its found in all types of Japanese cuisine. You can put it on your rice like this, or you can just eat the dried sheets like big potato chips (probably my favorite way to enjoy it). Probably not good for your sodium intake, but delicious!

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