I found the 'mamas on bikes' section particularly spot on. Why are you still reading this, read the other article! (’-’*)
One thing they left out of the article is the sweet little bike bell. Unlike in America where the car horn is typically a sign of someone's frustration, the bike bell is a courteous tool that most people (about 99% from my experience) move out of the way for. The only people who don't are the 60+ year old salary men who are stubborn as hell. Here is an awesome video to illustrate my point.
I think now is a good time to bring up an interesting fact about Japan - Japan is more than just Tokyo. Say what?!?! Yeah, its true. Tokyo is a pretty cool city, but its not the only city (though it is the largest city in the world), and a lot of gaijin tend to forget that. But since most movies that deal with Japan take place in Tokyo, and most companies have their headquarters there, you are pretty much forced to see or work in Tokyo at some point in time....so all is forgiven.
I actually found Tokyo to be the least 'Japanese' city in Japan - it has a huge foreign population and a Chipotle - how Japanese could Tokyo actually be??
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