Monday, February 15, 2010


After running out of letters in the alphabet, I guess I will move on to numbers. Here are the 1,2,3's of living in Japan.

1: 一石二鳥 (issekinichou),literally 1 stone, 2 birds. I found it interesting that Japan has the same phrase,two birds one stone. Especially a phrase as dumb as this one.
2: 二人乗り (futarinori),2 people riding, usually a bicycle. you see this often in Japan, though I'm pretty sure its illegal (for scooters anyway). But without a car in Japan, this is the next best way to pick up chicks. Just make sure you buy a bike with the metal seat dealie in the back.
3-3P (sanpi-), threesome. Some things are universal.
4-四川 (shisen),Japanese word for Szechwan, the region in china known for spicy food. I know I mention Shisen Ra-men a lot, but seriously, that place is magic.
5-甘味 (Umami), the fifth taste. Also known as savoriness, this taste classification was first developed by Kikunae Ikeda.
6- 週六日 (shuumuika), 6 days a week. If you are lucky enough to live in Japan but unfortunate enough to work for a Japanese company, this is about how often you will work.
7-七味 (shichimi), blend of 7 spices. The spices include Cayenne and Japanese pepper. Its a popular seasoning and goes great with Yoshinoya.
8-ヤクザ (Yakuza), the badass organized crime group with a heart of gold. Their name is an abbreviation of the numbers 8-9-3. With the exception of all the gross porn they produce, I think these guys are awesome.
9- 99 (kyukyu). The 99 yen shop, or kyu kyu, is like an American dollar store but with more food. Its a convenient place to stock up on CalorieMate and Onigiri Senbei. There is also a 100 yen shop which is pretty popular.
10-is for 一万円 (ichimanen),10,000 yen. Get used to carrying these bills around...but not for very long.

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