Monday, January 16, 2012

Extra Hard Cock Grease

Now I'm sure some of you reading this were probably looking for porn, so I'm sorry to disappoint you.  But this is a real thing.


You can find these little gems of ridiculous word play all throughout Japan.  Though everyone "learns" English from grade school, somehow these things slip though the cracks.  You would think that in the global age of the internet someone would do a google search of Cock Grease to see if that was an appropriate name.  It would only take 10 seconds to realize that this product name didn't exactly bring up good imagery to sell hair wax. 

In the above photo, that woman walked in and blocked my shot, but you can sort of read the sign for the water they are advertising.  Its called Clytia, They have a Website.  Anyone else getting thirsty thinking about Clytia??

But of course the winner of broken and busted English will always go to clothing.  I really need to remember to take more pictures of this kind of stuff.  Even though I speak English as a first language, there is no way I'd ever be able to think of putting "All My Exes Got Married" on a shirt.  I love you Japan, but I will never fully understand you.


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