Well, I added a few more points to my Hotel Fine members card a little bit ago. I'm well on my way to that Nintendo DS!
Thankfully, Hotel Fine had all the amenities I remember. They still had some free snacks and water in the fridge, free Tsubaki shampoo, and free breakfast. Did I forget to mention free alcohol? Because I got a pitcher of beer and some umeshu just for myself, and it was all included in the 9000 yen price. The normal price for this particular room was around 10,500, so it really pays to be a member (membership is free).
The breakfast was actually MUCH better than I remember too.
Even if you are a veteran to love hotels, Hotel Fine is a great place to spend the night. It's reasonably priced, but has spectacular service. It was, however, a bit different from what I remember. For one, I actually had to speak to a real live person, face to face, to get the key to my room...how am I supposed to remain anonymous when I have to talk to real people?? The last time I was at Hotel Fine, I walked in, saw which rooms were lit up (signaling that they were available) on the wall and picked one. The room number is printed onto a receipt and lights guide you to your room which is already unlocked. This past time, all of that happened, except when I pressed the button for my room, a lady came from around the corner to give me the key....weird.
Thankfully, not everything changed and they kept the vibrator and ridiculously complicated alarm clock next to the bed...I'm not sure where I was going with this. I guess my point is that Hotel Fine is still a quality hotel, with a lot to offer. I would rate Hotel Fine among the top things to check out in Osaka; right behind Hep 5 mall, but before Osaka Castle.