I'm sure you noticed a few things but now I'm going to dissect this picture from left to right and point out everything that is Japan.
1) Black suit brown shoes. Everyone wears brown shoes with all spectrum's of suit colors. Its cool, so get used to it.
2)Green pay phone. Since its a payphone, its really old. They take coins and magnetic phone cards, but not all of them make international calls. Whatever, you won't need these paleolithic era contraptions.
3) Recycling bins. If you think it sucks separating the paper out of your recycling then you won't enjoy Japan's take on it. Green tea and soda bottles come with perforated labels so you can peel them off and separate them easier. And don't you dare put the burnable trash in with the plastic trash...
4) People reading magazines without buying them. This is grounds for being shot in most stateside convenience stores, but you see this EVERYWHERE in Japan. The only magazines worth buying come with free porn dvd's inside....I wish I was kidding.
5) Parking Spaces? Oh right, there are none...city life baby! Get a bike or walk, cause you're going to pay a small fortune to put gas in your ride and park it.
6) You can't see it, but this AMPM is owned by Family Mart, and Family Mart (like everything in Japan) has a catchy jingle. Go ahead and listen if you dare. Anata to conbini famiri- ma-to!!!
Thankfully AM/PM's jingle isn't as good
Well, now I have to go drink heavily to get those songs out of my head. Excuse me.
"Anata to conbini famiri- ma-to!!!" - That's it. I laughed my ass off.
On a serious note - I've been following your blog long before coming to Japan. I couldn't understand so many things at that time, but, hell. Now, when I come back and go through your entries, I just can't agree more. Added to those true stories.. is your humor.
This is like a declaration - I love the blog. Just don't stop writing.
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