In a previous post I mentioned a writer for the Japan Times and their interesting articles, but I think I have changed my mind. I've made it through just about all of this guys articles in the Japan Times and have come to the conclusion that this guy is too much of a typical American for me. In one of his articles, he actually says "I hate karaoke." Who hates karaoke??? Its probably because he is on the older side, but this article kind of bothered me. You can poke fun at Japan's odors, odd food, and crowds but anyone who has any doubts in the Japanese haircut has some serious issues. The line "But I dreaded going to a Japanese barber" made my blood boil. First of all, what the hell is a 'Barber'? Its not the 50's anymore, I think hair stylist or even hair artist is more appropriate.
I'll admit that I was a bit nervous the first time I went to get a haircut in Japan, but that was because I had been there a whole month and was worried I couldn't make small talk (which was not a problem at all). Every Japanese person under 40 had awesome hair and was 'man pretty', so I was not at all worried about what the final product would look like.

Actual haircut aside, the experience is well worth whatever you are paying. I don't know about you but I don't mind being pampered and massaged for dirt cheap.
I guess in the end it doesn't matter what that guy thinks. More haircuts for me!