I hope this year is better economically for Japan than the past year. You can tell times are tough just by analyzing the language. Words like Konkatsu and Rikatsu are now commonplace. Konkatsu (or marriage hunting) is exactly what the name implies. It describes a person who is not looking for a job, but for a man to marry. Guess that beats competing for a job... But because of this trend, Rikatsu (divorce seeking activities) are more prevalent. Click here for a full story. Japans divorce rate is about half of what the US is - which is a pretty big deal for Japan. But considering the salaryman lifestyle that some married men have to deal with, it leaves little time for family. Kinda depressing, but thats exactly why I won't EVER work for a Japanese company.
I will be returning to Japan in a week or so, and Intend to go to a Vegetarian restaurant in Kyoto. I'm pretty pumped, but worried at the same time since the word 'Begitarian' is still a new concept for Japan. They'll probably serve me whale or dolphin or some crap. Anywho, Just expect a lot more purikura posts when I return!
*The real reason I'm heading back to Japan--->>
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