Monday, July 20, 2009


I am officially a working man....and I'm also officially planning a trip back to Japan (likely over Christmas) since I will have money - which is a new experience. If any country deserves my hard earned money, its the country with Chu-hais, sweet haircuts, and women that wont speak to you unless you pay....
I guess a short trip is fine since I know what I want to see/do but if you've never been, you need to set aside at least a month to really appreciate it.
I guess I should at least post some info on Japan before I complain any more ...
*In Japan, a mailman doesn't pick up mail from your house, he only delivers it (at least from what I've seen).
*People don't bow as much as they do in the movies!
*You can choose to give different amounts of blood when you donate (because a 5'4" woman in Japan ,which is about the average woman height in America, averages around 105 pounds, whereas the average woman's weight in America is 132 pounds for 20-29 year olds, and it increases with age!!)
*Ninja warrior is not on TV!

Thats all for now folks....

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