I almost can't believe I forgot to mention one of the most pleasantly surprising nights I had outside of my seminar house (that sounds a little specific and lame but believe you-me, some interesting things happened outside of that seminar house)
As I was enjoying a cold beverage from a nearby vending machine, I got the munchies but of course everything was closed. The vending machine was about to close too if I recall correctly. Just when hunger struck, a semi-creepy van came into view with a red lamp illuminating the inside. When the sketch-ball van pulled up my instincts told me that all 12 year old kids in the area better start running, but wouldn't you know it, the van smelled delicious. The van stopped, the door opened, and a Japanese man was waiting with a smile, a sweaty headband, and a bowl of ramen - Jackpot! Screw the ice cream man, the Ramen Man is a boss.
Ramen plays an important role in Japanese food culture. Much like ice-cream and being fat and disgusting is important in American food culture. So, it should not have surprised me that Japan perfected ramen convenience with the Ramen Man. There is aparently a mochi man as well, and I've seen Takoyaki vans cooking and selling in parking lots.
This website explains a little more about
*Ramen* but I watched
The Ramen Girl the other day and this movie seemed to cover Japan and the importance of ramen quite nicely. So if you can forgive Brittany Murphy for being in a movie with Eminem, I recommend this movie. I also recommmend eating Ramen. And if your only experience with Ramen is Top Ramen, I am really sorry - go eat some real Ramen. It is, however, usually not veggie friendly.