Thursday, April 9, 2009


As I was applying for a Job today (based in Tokyo, but I'll take what I can get) I realized how much my priorities have changed from just a few short years ago. So let this be a warning for all of you - If you have any major plans that you REALLY want to see met, than don't go to Japan until you've met them. This place will change your life --->>>

In the past couple years my priorities have changed from finish college, find a decent paying job, build up some money, eventually buy a house, an settle down with a family TO get back to Japan by any means. All that other sissy stuff doesn't mean anything anymore. I will take living in Japan in an apartment the size of a refrigerator and making salary-man money over just about anything else. (as long as I'm not working at one of those ultra-conservative Japanese companies...nuts to that)

I'd be just fine with my Chu-hais and my bros. and maybe the lady friend...and some ambasa, a wii and onigiri senbei and umeshu - THATS ALL I WANT!

I'll try to find some way to explain how your mind will be blown by Japan - but while I think of the words, just watch this 8 year old rock your face off. He's Japanese by the way, go figure!

1 comment:

Zach said...

Brother, that is all I want too!