Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Q and A

When I returned from Japan recently (don't worry, I'm going back!) I was immediately asked a bunch of questions....many of which were ridiculous.

But I would just like to address some of these questions.

Q: Was it crowded?? A: Yeah, duh. Crowded isn't the word I would use though. There were many more people than I was used to, however they weren't pushing and stabbing each other as much as I was used to...

Q: Was it expensive? A: I would say so. The cost of living is a little higher, but you can eat relatively cheap (if you cook or go to Yoshinoya) and you don't have to worry about a car payment, so thats good. However, an apartment in Tokyo is like 700 dollars a month average and is probably the size of your kitchen.

Q: Did you drink a lot of Sake (Sock-E)?? A: Not really. Who needs osake when you got chu-hai and beer in every other convenience store and vending machine??

Q: Did you get homesick? A: Hell No

There will probably be more of these, these are just the ones I was asked the most.

1 comment:

Zach said...

People here just don't understand. I miss it too much, brother.