Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Q and A

When I returned from Japan recently (don't worry, I'm going back!) I was immediately asked a bunch of questions....many of which were ridiculous.

But I would just like to address some of these questions.

Q: Was it crowded?? A: Yeah, duh. Crowded isn't the word I would use though. There were many more people than I was used to, however they weren't pushing and stabbing each other as much as I was used to...

Q: Was it expensive? A: I would say so. The cost of living is a little higher, but you can eat relatively cheap (if you cook or go to Yoshinoya) and you don't have to worry about a car payment, so thats good. However, an apartment in Tokyo is like 700 dollars a month average and is probably the size of your kitchen.

Q: Did you drink a lot of Sake (Sock-E)?? A: Not really. Who needs osake when you got chu-hai and beer in every other convenience store and vending machine??

Q: Did you get homesick? A: Hell No

There will probably be more of these, these are just the ones I was asked the most.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

does this look gay to you???, Japanese fashion is a little gay. But for some reason, I love it. I think I might just be attracted to the fact that Japanese clothes actually fit me. Or maybe its that the guys wearing the ridiculous clothes have gorgeous women with equally ridiculous clothes with them. Whatever the case may be, the clothes are stylish/fruity and will probably result in me getting beat up in the USA.

Check out this website for some examples.

Some Japanese male fashion, Gyaruo in particular, takes metro-sexual to a whole new level. All I'm saying is don't knock it till you try it.

Friday, August 1, 2008


Hey all,

To keep my sanity, I have been listening to some catchy J-pop music. Here are a few links to some stuff I have been listening to.
Be prepared, some of these artists look a bit gay, but they aren' far as I know.


And just remember, when life gets you down - Donmai (don't mind)