Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Japanese TV

Well, it already happened.  I have been in Okinawa for only a week and already want to throw myself off a building when I catch a glimpse of a television, and Buddha help me if a variety show is on.  I honestly can't believe Japanese television is not considered torture by the UN.  I truly believe that Japan's television programs (and lack of any real swear words) are causing the large suicide rate in this country.  It is, dare I say it, almost as bad as Fox News.

I could rant for days but this guy did it for me, and with much more linguistic color.  It's poetic how well this man can describe our shared distaste for this crude excuse for entertainment.  

There is the distinct possibility that there is a language/cultural barrier and that one day I'll just 'get it', but until then I will be confounded by why every punchline to a half joke is written in bold letters across the screen; why all variety shows hire the sound guy from Nickelodeon; why anyone cares about the so called celebrities on these shows; and what in the eff is up with all the effing food!  It's JUST food!

Just 2 days ago I saw Japanese "celebrities" sing all the "greatest" "hits" from the past decades (did you see how many quote marks I used?).  Yesterday was the usual walking aimlessly down streets and trying mildly interesting food and wait for it.....OISHII!  The 'best' thing on so far was watching 2 teams play a Japanese form of Lingo.

At least the commercials are unintentionally hilarious.  

I need to stop eating with the TV on...

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