I particularly like this website cause it provides Japanese news in a non Japanese way. In Japan, if something terrible happens, the news covers the story for weeks and discusses every minor detail of the horrible incident. For example, over the summer in Japan I heard about a man who ran over several people in Tokyo with a van for about 6 hours a day for a 2 weeks. The news even used googlemaps to show the exact route he took! (in case any copycats out there were interested in that little fact)
For those of you too lazy to go to the website, here are some Japan highlights,
*The 5'10" 120lb model Filippa Hamilton's Ralph Lauren photo had to be retouched (slimmed down) for the ad in a Japanese magazine - and she was later fired for being too fat. Boo Yah
*Japanese and British scientists discovered that cancer can be passed on in the womb.

*you know what, just check the website.
Note: I took this picture at Ginkakuji - not quite as cool of a place as kinkakuji.