Anyways, I'm already afraid of getting sucked in to a job and not being able to return home. Here are some suggestions for you kids out there. If you ever get the opportunity to go to Japan - DONT LEAVE. Everyone says you can do whatever you want once you graduate, but that's bull crap. If you study abroad in Japan, finish your school there and find a way to get a job. Its WAY easier to get a job in Japan once you're already there. The pay and hours may be crap, but you're still there and not in America forgetting your Japanese and hating your life.
Unfortunately, because Japan relies so heavily on exports, it was hit pretty hard by this recession, so now is not the best time to be job hunting there. But I'm sure I could find a job picking up high school girls. Somebody

Well, this time last year I was probably lifting some huge ass shrine or stumbling to the last train in Nanba. Hopefully this time 2 years from now I'll be home and rich enough to support a spoiled joshikousei.