Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I'm too young for this

First of all, does anyone even read this???

Anyways, I'm about to graduate this semester (hopefully) , so I will be choosing a job soon. Thank you America for making my job decision easy - just take anyone willing to hire you in this crappy economy is much better than having to actually decide on something

I'm looking in to careers in Japan, but as you already know, working conditions in Japan are less than stellar. Teaching english isn't so bad, but I'm looking for something more permanent. AV and hosting would be sweet but I'm pretty sure its hard to get a visa for that.

A little note for anyone crazy enough to work for a Japanese company, you'll need to take the JLPT 2 at least, 1 is better. Study Study Study! With any luck I'll be taking the JLPT 2 in the next year or so.

This website might be helpful

K, thats it, stay classy